Ideally, the ICtIC would begin as part of an existing institution, incurring relatively minor incremental costs for staff time and facilities. As and when demand for services increased, the ICtIC would then itself evolve in order to respond to that demand.

From the outset, it would be important for the ICtIC to maintain an independent and impartial outlook. This would suggest that it could begin life as an appendage to an academic institution with an interest in the legal, engineering, governance or pro-poor aspects of international development.


At present, this initiative has no source of finance, and is heavily reliant on the personal commitment of those interested in exploring its potential. Formally endorsed by a growing number of organisations including Transparency International (UK), Engineering without Frontiers, and Engineers Against Poverty, the concept has also generated interest among several other organisations, including Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, EngineerAid, and NIDOS, the Network for International Development Organisations in Scotland. Selected statements of support are shown on the home page.

An important part of the purpose of this site is to generate ideas about possible hosts, and possible sources of support or endorsement for the proposed centre.